Fabian Wilnis (right) in the away strip introduced at the start of the 2000/01 Premiership campaign.
Club Sponsor: Greene King
Kit Manufacturer: Punch
This red shirt was produced for the club (in 2001 we believe) as a second spare kit in case Town had a clash of away kits although it was never used. Since this design there have been three further 'one off' kits produced - an all-black kit used at Blackburn in 2002 and two white kits for the games at Crystal Palace in 2003 and 2004.
On an historical note we don't believe that Town have ever played in solid red before, but in a league game against Brighton on the South Coast in October 1938, they did play in red and white hoops! In the programme notes published for the next home game, the author writes: "Our boys looked rather strange in their borrowed plumes. We took two changes with us, the white shirts with the blue sleeves and the new narrow black and white bands, but neither were acceptable to the referee because Brighton are blue and white stripes. So we played in red and white hoops, a set of jerseys given to the Albion by Arsenal".
Club Sponsor: Greene King
Kit Manufacturer: Punch
Wayne Brown (right) in home strip introduced for the 2001/02 season, and (below) TXU Energi advertisement showing away strip with new sponsor logo.
Away strip features new sponsor logo but otherwise unchanged from that launched at the beginning of the 2000/01 season.
A one-off all-black strip (inset below) was introduced for the away fixture with Blackburn Rovers.
Club Sponsor: TXU Energi
Kit Manufacturer: Punch

New maroon and dark-blue away strip introduced at the beginning of the 2002/03 season.
Club Sponsor: TXU Energi
Kit Manufacturer: Punch
The new home kit for the 2003/04 season (top), and re-issued away strip (middle), both now sporting the logo of sponsors Powergen.
A one-off all-white strip (right bottom) was introduced for the away fixture with Crystal Palace.
Club Sponsor: Powergen
Kit Manufacturer: Punch

Orange is back! The new away strip for 2004 through 2006.
Club Sponsor: Powergen
Kit Manufacturer: Punch

New home strip for 2005 through 2007.
With no second change strip to hand for the game at Sheffield Wednesday (December 2005), Town were forced to combine shirt and shorts from their home and away strips to produce the awful combination pictured to right (the black shorts normally worn with the orange away shirt clashing with those of the Owls). Nasty!
Club Sponsor: Powergen
Kit Manufacturer: Punch

New home strip for 2006-07 (top) and new away strip for 2006 through 2008 (middle), both sporting the logo of sponsor E-on. A third all-black strip (bottom) was also introduced to avoid clashing with the blue-and-white home kits of a number of Championship sides.
Club Sponsor: E-on
Kit Manufacturer: Punch

The Punch brand comes to an end as Town and Mitre agree a four-year partnership that will see the British sports brand supply the Club with home and away kits, training and bench wear until May 2011. Fan's are given the chance to select the design of the first kit from a choice of three modeled (top picture) by Billy Clarke (left), Gavin Williams (centre) and Sammy Moore (right). The pin-striped design (below) gets 12,500 votes will be worn for the next two seasons.
Club Sponsor: E-on
Kit Manufacturer: Mitre

New away shirt for the 2008-09 season as pictured in club promotion. The E-on logo will not appear on the final design as their sponsorship deal ends in May...
Club Sponsor: Marcus Evans
Kit Manufacturer: Mitre

...and here are the home and away shirts with the Marcus Evans insignia.